
30 Things Every Woman Should Have Before She Turns 30* | The Frisky

30 Things Every Woman Should Have Before She Turns 30* | The Frisky

Since I'm 24, I figured I should go over this list and see what I'm missing, since I still have time to make up for it. 12.75 out of 29, well, I'm less than halfway between 20 and 30, so I guess that's pretty good.

1. Clothes that fit the size she is now, not the size she was five years ago - But I swear I'm going to lose another 10-15 lbs!
2. A weekly income that covers the rent (or mortgage payment) - Gah, the day I get a job that pays me $2600 a month is the day I'm finally an adult.
3. An orgasm - Does by myself count?
4. Always enough toilet paper - When I get a car I can start getting the 12-packs!
5. A hair stylist she trusts - Oooh, I need to work on this. I'm not creative (and often lazy) when it comes to my hair.
6. A favorite song, porn site, image, movie or fantasy that always gets her in the mood - Hmmm, I think I may have all of these. Yay!
7. Health insurance - Yes! But it sucks.
8. A signature drink - I usually order frozen margaritas, but the tequila sunrise is rising on my list...
9. A healthy relationship with her parents - Healthier than most of my friends, that's why we stay in separate states!
10. Bras in the correct size - I worked a winter at Victoria's Secret, so yes on this.
11. Enough alcohol in her home to offer drop-by guests a cocktail - The only alcohol in my house right now is a frozen margarita-to-go pack.
12. An emergency hangover remedy - Not planning on ever having a hangover, so you get crossed out!
13. A voter registration card - Yes!
14. A wardrobe that includes the perfectly flattering little black dress, a great pair of heels, jeans that make her ass look great, and a cute hat that hides a bad hair day - no, yes, yes, and yes.
15. A yearly appointment with her gynecologist - I need to find one to be mine down here.
16. The name of reliable movers to give her friends when they ask for help relocating - Nope!
17. The gumption to ask a man out - Only if I know he's interested, so I have to work on that.
18. A group of girlfriends who get it - Uhhh...1 friend who gets it? And 2 others in 2 different states.
19. A set of tools (and the ability to use them ... even if it’s just to hang a piece of art) - Yes!
20. A balanced checkbook - That's one of my tasks for tonight!
21. No interest in men who just aren’t that into her - Goddamnit, this is the story of my life and it needs to end.
22. A vacation to look forward to at least once a year - I've been thinking of an annual cruise, since they're pretty cheap now.
23. A good bulls**t detector - 2008 was the year that this was tested, honed, and approved for regular use.
24. The courage to stand up for herself and her beliefs - 2009 was when I started doing this.
25. A favorite sex position - I'm going to make my ex help me figure this one out.
26. A set of hand towels so guests don’t have dry their hands on her bath towel (gross!) - I hate this when I go to people's houses! And I have a hand towel, so yes!
27. Enough self-love to avoid and break off unhealthy friendships and relationships - Looking back on 2008 I realized that I didn't have this, and 2009 has been about figuring out which relationships are unhealthy.
28. A commitment to exercise - Working on this.
29. A retirement fund - Hah! I need a car fund, a new macbook fund, a headshot fund, an acting class fund, etc. before I can think about a retirement fund.
30. A great vibrator - Considering it, but nothing beats a real live man.

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