
Movies I'm Looking Forward To: Apollo 18 (April 22nd), Blacktino, Black Power Mixtape, X

Apollo 18
This looks pretty cool, it's been a while since I've seen a good sci fi movie.  But the trailer tells way too much.  Why show us the critters?  Why show us what happens to one of the astronauts?  When will the people who are responsible for producing these trailers learn that less is more?  I should want to see this movie because I'm dying to know what happens, what these astronauts find.  Instead, I can figure out the beginning and the middle of the movie - I just don't know how it ends.

H/T to /Film.

Ooh, a movie that depicts black people who don't fit into the mold of commonly held stereotypes? Sign me up! It's an indie, so it might not end up in theaters, but I hope to see it on Netflix soon.

blacktino SXSW Trailer from Aaron Burns on Vimeo.

H/T to Shadow and Act.

The Black Power Mixtape 1967 - 1975

This movie is found footage that was recorded by Swedish journalists decades ago. I'm hoping they'll show it at the New Orleans Film Festival.

H/T to Liberator Magazine.

I don't really know why I want to see this, but I do.

H/T to /Film.

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